Fed gets the green light from ELR CCG

The Business Case for the proposed ELR GP Fed was approved on 5th January 2016 by the Primary Care Commissioning Committee of East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG.

  • Clinical Commissioning Group gives the green light to ELR GP Fed
  • Business Case approved by the CCG 's Primary Care Commissioning Committee
  • Detailed plans now begin for creation of ELR GP Fed by 1 April 2016

The approval of the Fed Business Case is a huge step forward to the creation of the ELR GP Fed. Backed by 100 per cent of surgeries across East Leicestershire and Rutland, plans will now be developed for a radical new vehicle for transforming the primary care delivered to over 322,000 patients.

The agreed Mission for the proposed Fed is

“To champion through GPs and their practices, investment and delivery healthcare services at scale for patients across East Leicestershire and Rutland”

This will underpin delivery of its vision to remain a GP-led, patient centred organisation, working collaboratively with partners across health, social and community care to facilitate an enhanced delivery of high quality, innovative and responsive services across East Leicestershire and Rutland.

The Fed’s aims fall into four key areas:

Aim One – Providing More Care Locally and making care accessible for more of our patients
Aim Two – Improving Current Services focusing on supporting core services, providing solutions which may include redesigning care and influencing the expansion of enhanced non-core services
Aim Three – Influencing Health Outcomes working with commissioners to influence better health outcomes.
Aim Four – Supporting Sustainability in Primary Care through achieving greater efficiencies in primary care and linked to redesigning care.

To contact the ELR GP Fed, e-mail [email protected]