Supporting Transformation Fund Plans

The Fed supported the implementation of a number of Transformation Plans during 2018/19 

Key involvement and successes are outlined below 

  • Project managed the implementation of two six month First Contact Physiotherapist pilots in Harborough and Oadby & Wigston; providing Band 7 Physiotherapists to improve access for patients with MSK related conditions and releasing GP time in practices across these two Localities. The Fed organised the contracts with a specialist provider on behalf of the practices. The two Localities decided on different approaches to sharing the Physiotherapy resources. The Fed worked closely with both Localities to ensure the optimum approach, sharing the learning between the two schemes. 
  • Project managed the implementation of a six month pilot Emergency Care Practitioner service between three practices in the Syston, Long Clawson and Melton Locality to improve access for patients and release GP time; organizing the contract with the provider. 
  • Facilitated the merger of South Wigston and Oadby Central practices to form Washbrook Medial Group. This has created a new partnership of 17,000 patients which is a more sustainable primary care organisation in the Locality. 
  • Facilitated and advised on the merger of Two Shires and Kibworth practices. We worked closely with the respective teams to develop a robust project plan to ensure effective delivery of the wide ranging issues that need addressing to complete a successful merger. 
  • Managed a team in Oadby & Wigston to develop an Active Signposting training event that was attended by all practices and representatives from social care and First Contact Plus to provide the teams with the information and tools to signpost patients to the most appropriate service and release the GPs time to care. 
  • Provided programme management support to the Rutland Transformation Steering Group to implement its transformation fund projects. These projects were dovetailed with the Locality’s other transformation activity and Primary Care Home development. The Fed also provided programme management support to four other Locality Hubs (Harborough, O&W, North Blaby and SLAM) to ensure delivery of their respective transformation fund projects. 
  • Identified a tool, GPTeamNet, to facilitate joint working between practices and Localities and enable the sharing of information between stakeholders in the ELR health community. All 30 practices decided to join the GPTeamNet trial; the Fed organised the contract on behalf of all of its member practices. This also provides effective tools to help practices manage their services, linking to CQC standards and enabling GPs to manage their personal portfolios effectively.