Resilience and sustainability projects

We have delivered a number of Resilience and sustainability projects over 2018/19

Diabetes transformation project 

The LLR STP was awarded transformation funding for Diabetes treatment and prevention; helping Practices to improve the achievement of the NICE recommended treatment targets, and to help reduce the variation in achievement across general practice in LLR. 

In partnership with Latham House Medical Practice, the Fed was awarded the contract to work with the Leicester Diabetes Centre to introduce a Diabetes Specialist Nurses scheme to support LLR practices identified as needing assistance with diabetes and blood pressure management. 

Three DSNs were recruited, who worked successfully with the practices’ teams to achieve a positive impact in reviewing the management of patients and advising on improvements. 

The qualitative feedback from the staff about the project speaks powerfully of the success of the DSN team in providing support and education to the staff who care for people with diabetes. 

The team was subsequently asked to extend the support to practices for a further year. 

Correspondence management 

Further to securing NHS England funding to support seven practices to form one of the LLR pilot sites to develop a safe and effective approach to managing correspondence and reduce the workload for GPs, the practices have engaged with the workflow programme which was provided and supported by Practice Unbound. This included access to e-learning training and a Workflow coach. 

The project supported practices to review their processes and implement audit. Good progress has been made, releasing significant amounts of GP time. Moving forward, this is an area that could be managed by PCNs. 

Demand management 

The Fed worked with its Localities and practices to review performance data. Performance monitoring reports were developed for all six Localities which enabled comparison between practices and the identification of key themes for discussion and further investigation to improve referrals performance. These reports were well received and enabled Localities to identify areas of focus and joint working, share best practice, identify training needs and service development opportunities. 

Indeed, by using these reports some practices made local changes that have made observable improvements in referral performance. 

Data Protection Officer service 

In response to requests from our member practices, we established the ELR GDPR DPO Service, providing: 

  • the DPO function from an experienced and suitable qualified expert; 
  • access to a self-assessment toolkit to enable self- assessment and review by the DPO of current level of GDPR readiness; 
  • initial review by the DPO of that self-assessment with comments or advice; 
  • an e-mail first point of contact for data protection issues questions – (dpo@elrgpfed. com); 
  • Ask the DPO question and comment form; 
  • Over 100 GDPR FAQs; 
  • Sample html code to use as a GDPR page for practice websites; and 
  • Library of GDPR Further Reading resources.

The Rutland Health and Care Portal 

The practices in Rutland were supported to develop a live Hub- delivering live information and advice created by national, NHS, GP Practices, Fed, RCC, and voluntary sector all in one place. 


We have worked with Rutland County Council to ensure that the Rutland Information Service is embedded into the Hub. This will support integration between primary and community care services in Rutland 

This has also provided the infrastructure to support self-care and Active Signposting campaigns and initiatives. 

From one ‘Hub’ website, patients are able to see national. regional and local healthcare information and advice in one convenient place. 

The practices benefit from not having to duplicate effort in providing key information across a number of websites. 

Users are also able to interact with live conversations across local social media.