Fed publishes first Annual Report

The ELR GP Fed has today published its first Annual Report

  • Gives details of achievements and projects undertaken in first year
  • Sets out the four priorities for the Fed as it moves forward
  • Available for free download

In an introduction to the Report, Fed Chair Dr Ryszard Bietz says:

“We are delighted to be able to report on a busy first year of development and achievement. Our GP Fed was created after extensive engagement with local GP practices and wider stakeholders to explore how we might best support them to deliver sustainable primary care in East Leicestershire and Rutland (ELR) in the future.

“This first year has seen the foundations laid, and increased engagement achieved across the local and wider health and social care systems, identifying need and becoming increasingly clear on how the Fed can and will play a role in supporting and developing primary care, both at local levels and at scale.

“Increasingly it is becoming apparent that the current model of general practice will not be sustainable. Consequently, we need to work together to provide services ‘at scale’, as appropriate to the problem that needs solving, thereby realising the benefits of economies of scale, improve opportunities for career structures and professional support and deliver a wider range of services.

“Our Business Plan has been developed to meet these challenges in our localities and in conjunction and consultation with our members.

“As we enter our second year of operation, our ambition and determination to innovate and deliver new ways of working is set to increase, with further new services and support for our members and our local communities. We look forward to submitting proposals to develop new services and being a key partner in developing and providing urgent care services across ELR.”

The ELR GP Fed first Annual Report can be downloaded for free by clicking here