Opportunity to become a Fed Board Member for Blaby and Lutterworth

An opportunity has arisen to become a ELR GP Fed Board Member for practices in Blaby and Lutterworth.

  • Board post is open to anyone wishing to represent and proposed by Fed members in Blaby and Lutterworth
  • Job description is available for download from this website or from the Fed Chief Operating Officer
  • Applications should be received by close of play Sunday 20th May 2018

The role of a Board Member for the ELR GP Fed is to advise, lead, oversee the Fed’s policy and direction, assist with the leadership and general promotion of ELR GP Fed so as to support its mission and strategic objectives.

Key responsibilities of a Board Member include:

  • Attend all Board meetings, appropriate Board Committees and Board development sessions;
  • Provide leadership and support for Directors and the senior management team;
  • Provide input, influence and oversight to the Fed’s Business Plan;
  • Review of Business plan and supporting implementation plans;
  • Assess and influence, on an ongoing basis, the progress of the Fed’s Business Plan;
  • Provide strategic financial management, including adoption and oversight of the annual budget;
  • Input into the formulation and oversight of company policies and procedures;
  • Promotion of ELR GP Fed;
  • Active engagement and relationship building with shareholders, stakeholders and key partners;
  • Provide support and work collaboratively with the senior management team
  • represent the interests of all Fed members in the Harborough locality

A successful candidate will possess:

  • The ability to think strategically and plan ahead, to develop a clear vision and enthuse others, balancing needs and constraints;
  • A high level commitment to patient focus and the delivery of high quality, safe services in an innovative way;
  • willingness to be accountable for board performance, probing and challenging as appropriate a high level of ability to gain support from shareholders, stakeholders, key partners influence and use political acumen;
  • commitment to working as a team member;
  • motivation to continually improve Fed performance and confidence to take on challenges;
  • ability to think clearly and creatively, make sense of complexity and clarify it for Board and Shareholders.

Anyone who wishes to apply for this position should

  1. download the job description from this website at https://elrgpfed1.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ELR-GP-Fed-Director-job-description.pdf
  2. e-mail the Fed Chief Operating Officer, James Watkins, by close of play Sunday 20th May 2018 at this e-mail address with an up to date CV and a covering letter setting out how they meet the job description and confirmation of the proposing practice;
  3. the Board membership will be decided by an independently verified vote of Fed members in Blaby and Lutterworth Practices.