Give us your ideas to help the NHS and support your Practice

  • Challenge is nothing new to the NHS. It’s faced and met challenges throughout its entire history. But we all know the NHS currently faces unprecedented challenges.
  • There are hundreds if not thousands of great ideas out there in Primary Care to help us meet these challenges.
  • We're inviting everyone to give us your ideas to help the NHS and support your Practice

The Fed is currently working on a range of initiatives – both big and small – to help our members. These include:

  • Being part of a consortium bidding for the LLR tender for urgent care and home visiting;
  • Developing an opportunity for pooling resources to provide pharmacy support
  • Investigating the potential for developing scale efficiencies for our members in such areas as purchasing, back office, flu vaccines procurement (for 2017), education and training, indemnity/insurance.
    Many of these ideas and opportunities have come directly from suggestions made by our members.

    As a GP-led organisation representing our practices, we know there are hundreds if not thousands of great ideas out there in Primary Care to help us meet these challenges.

    It could be an idea for improving quality of care. Or an idea to improve efficiency or save money.

    Or an idea to improve the compassion with which patients and their families and carers are treated.

    Or it could be an idea for how best, as a Fed, we can support you and your Practice.

    Whatever the idea and whoever you are, we want to hear from you.

    We will highlight the best examples we receive and, where possible and practical, look to to introduce your ideas to make a real difference to care in our area.

    Whatever the idea and whoever you are, we want to hear from you. You can tell us by filling out an online form on this website, or by downloading a paper form to post or fax to us.

    Click here to use our online form to give us your idea

    You can give us your own name or remain anonymous. You can choose whether or not you want us to contact you.

    We will highlight the best examples we receive and, where possible and practical, look to to introduce your ideas to make a real difference to care in our area.

    Click below to download a poster for you to display in your Practice or workplace to ask colleagues or patients for their ideas.


    Click below to download a paper form to fill out offline and post or fax to us.