ELR GP Fed launches LLR Health Window on the World

  • ELR GP Fed has today launched the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Health Window on the World.
  • Combines in an interactive Word Cloud discussions and live content from the social media feeds from a host of NHS and health-related organisations across LLR
  • Users can click on any word to see the underlying social media content, respond and interact with the creator and/or drill down to further details.

The LLR Health Window on the World is a fantastic free tool for anyone interested in finding out what’s happening and being talked about right now across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

It brings together and combines in an interactive Word Cloud live social media feeds from

  • the three LLR Clinical Commisioning Groups
  • University Hospitals Leicester
  • Leicester Partnership Trust
  • LLR Alliance
  • ELR GP Fed
  • the 2 LLR Healthwatch organisations
  • Voluntary Action Leicestershire
  • the Better Care Together Programme

    To access and use the LLR Health Window on the World, simply click here