Joe McCrea

Joe McCrea is our Head of Communications and Engagement

Joe has been involved with the Fed since its inception – both in shadow form and once fully operational.

He attends Board meetings in a non-voting capacity to give advice and support in respect of all aspects of communications and engagement.

He has a strong communications background with wide experience over more than 20 years at a senior level developing and delivering in-house assignments, marketing, comms, PR and campaign initiatives in health, public health, local government, education and environment spheres. His previous roles include:

  • Interim Head of Communications and Public Affairs at East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG
  • Head of Engagement for Tameside Hospital NHSFT, delivering the biggest patient and stakeholder listening exercise in its history
  • Social Media Lead for NHS Change Day 2013 and 2014 – the single largest improvement event in the NHS
  • Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Health
  • Prime Minister’s Adviser 10 Downing Street
  • Course tutor for the NHS Leadership Academy
  • Designed communications and social media strategies for NHS ConFed, NHS Providers, acute Trusts and community Trusts.

Contact Joe here