SLAM Partnership Hub are using the Transformation Fund for:
- release GP time by developing our approach to active signposting, patient communications and social prescribing and – collaborating with local community based services to ensure that its ‘community assets’ are effectively used for SLAM residents. • Care Redesign – embed the Dementia MDT into the Locality to transform the service provided to patients through effective working with community partners. .
- SLAM High Quality Forum – collaborate to drive up clinical quality by using recognized data sources to identify areas of strength and weakness and share best practice; focusing on two national and local priority areas namely, Dementia and Cardiovascular Disease.
- Work force resilience / Practice Infrastructure. Develop a joint workforce and training strategy to address the future needs of our population to ensure primary care resilience.
- Develop the ‘SLAM bank’ to enable clinical and administrative staff to be utilised efficiently to provide cover across the Hub’s practices
- Implement an information sharing platform to enable the sharing of policies, procedures, protocols and best practice relating to clinical care and CQC requirements
- Acute Access – develop an acute visiting service for patients that do not meet the criteria for the current commissioned service to ensure that all patients are visited in a timely manner reducing the burden of visits for individual GP practices across the locality.