ELR Shining Stars

The ELR Shining Stars programme is an initiative by ELR GP Fed to shine a light on the great work and commitment being delivered in our member practices.

There are hundreds of people who work in and with each of our practices and, every day, they spend their time caring for patients and supporting their carers and family members.

Often, they go beyond the call of duty. Or they come up with a brilliant new way to improve care, save money, support their colleagues or make our patients’ lives better.

All too often, their efforts can go unnoticed or unappreciated.

We want to change that.

So we are offering the opportunity for anyone across East Leicestershire and Rutland to tell us about their own Shining Star. It could be a local GP or Community Nurse. It could be someone who works on reception or providing advice and support. It could be a volunteer or patient representative.

Whoever it is, or whatever they do, we want to give you the opportunity to tell us about your ELR Shining Star. You can give us your own name or remain anonymous. You can choose whether or not you want us to contact you.

We will highlight the best examples we receive and let every Shining Star know that someone appreciates them and what they do.

Click here to download a poster for you to display to promote the Shining Star campaign.

Click here to download a paper form to fill out offline and post to us to give us your example of an ELR Shining Star, so we can tell their story and give them praise

Click here to tell us about your ELR Shining Star via our Online Form.