Delivering Urgent Care Centres

In partnership with Derbyshire Health United (DHU), ELR GP Fed bid successfully for the contract to manage the ELR Integrated Urgent Care Centres across six sites to provide out-of-hours urgent care centres in ELR from April 2019.

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Robert Whitehead appointed as Board Member for Oadby and Wigston

Welcoming Robert to the Board, Dr Rsyz Bietzk, Fed Chair, said “We couldn’t be more delighted to welcome Robert to the Board.  He has been involved with building both the concept and the reality of the Fed from its very earliest days of planning and development, and has hands-on experience of supporting GPs and the […]

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Rutland Healthcare

Rutland Healthcare are using the Transformation Fund to support the development of their Primary Care Home and embed joint working arrangements with community and social care

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Thanks for allowing us to keep in touch!

Thanks for allowing us to keep in touch. We have been provided with assurance that our activities and working practices, as well as the activities and working practices of our external communications partners, are fully compliant with GDPR and with the requirements of relevant regulators including the Information Commissioner’s Office.  Neither we nor they will […]

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Opportunity to become a Fed Board Member for Blaby and Lutterworth

The role of a Board Member for the ELR GP Fed is to advise, lead, oversee the Fed’s policy and direction, assist with the leadership and general promotion of ELR GP Fed so as to support its mission and strategic objectives. Key responsibilities of a Board Member include: Attend all Board meetings, appropriate Board Committees […]

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Kirsty Whawell appointed Board representative for Harborough

Welcoming Kirsty to the Board, Dr Rsyz Bietzk, Fed Chair, said “We couldn’t be more delighted to welcome Kirsty to the Board.  She brings energy, enthusiasm and a greatly valued additional perspective with her background in practice management.  We very much welcome to hearing her ideas and benefiting from her insight” Commenting on her appointment, […]

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Christmas message from the Fed

On behalf of the ELR GP Fed, can I offer my warmest best wishes to you and your staff for a Happy Christmas and prosperous 2018 2017 has been a year of significant progress, where the Fed has laid foundations and embedded itself within the primary care team across East Leicestershire and Rutland, delivering real results […]

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Opportunity to become a Fed Board Member for Harborough

The role of a Board Member for the ELR GP Fed is to advise, lead, oversee the Fed’s policy and direction, assist with the leadership and general promotion of ELR GP Fed so as to support its mission and strategic objectives. Key responsibilities of a Board Member include: Attend all Board meetings, appropriate Board Committees […]

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Fed launches Patients newsletter

Providing care for patients and supporting their families and carers are the reason why our members exist and do the work they do. Subscribing to the patients newsletter takes just two minutes. To join the patients, families and carers News List click here We look forward to hearing from you and keeping you up to […]

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Your chance to shape our strategy

The Fed exists to support and listen to its member practices.  We’ve already achieved much in our first year, but we want to do more.  And we want to give our members the chance to shape our strategy. To that end, we are launching this Locality/GP Practice Engagement survey.  It gives you the chance to […]

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Join our GP and Primary Care Newsletter Mailing List

Providing care for patients and supporting their families and carers are the reason why our members exist and do the work they do. We want to ensure that GPs and other primary care workers are able to keep up to date with what we are doing and have their say. Subscribing on our GPs and Primary […]

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Join our Patient Newsletter List

Providing care for patients and supporting their families and carers are the reason why our members exist and do the work they do. We want to ensure that patients are able to keep up to date with what we are doing and have their say. There are lots of existing ways in which our members […]

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Ideas developed in a recent Board development session are available for comment and approval by all Fed Members and other interested parties.

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Updates Archive

The Fed produces a regular newsletter providing updates and latest news to its members. You can subscribe to receive these updates by e-mail here. Or alternatively, simply click on the links below to see the Updates Archive

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The ELR GP Fed is providing a range of free resources and services to users who sign up to a myFed account. The first of these are: Communities and Forums – a range of online communities and discussion forums, including as a start the Practice Managers Forum and GPs Forum. You can click here to […]

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Community Hospital Waiting Times

To access details of Community Hospital Waiting Times, click on the links below. Latest Community Hospital Waiting Times – February 2019 Previous Reports Community Hospital Waiting Times – March 2018 Community Waiting Times Report – 1 June 2017 Community Hospital Wait times – 1 Jan 2017

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LLR Sustainability and Transformation Plan published

Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) are being produced by every health and care system in England. They will show how local services will evolve and become sustainable, in line with the NHS’ five year vision for better health, better patient care and improved NHS efficiency. The STP for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) is one […]

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ELR GP FED Member Area

Welcome to the ELR GP Fed Member Area. As a Fed Member, you can: 1. Comment on pages on this site 2. Sign up to receive instant updates and daily digests of news announcements 3. Apply to participate in our online communities and bulletin boards

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The Community section of the ELR GP Fed website is being created in response to requests from our members who wished to have access to discussion forums and bulletin boards where they could share ideas, comments and views. The Community Section is in its final stages of testing and is expected to go live in […]

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Vacancy for Board Director for Oadby and Wigston

A vacancy has arisen to be the ELR GP Fed Board representative for Oadby and Wigston. This position is ideally suited to any GP, Practice Manager or other member of staff currently working in this area with the support of their locality. If you are interested in applying for this role, please send a brief e-mail to […]

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Terms and Conditions – including GDPR

Our organisation is called the ELR GP Fed. You can read more about GP Feds and what they do via the British Medical Association at ELR GP Fed Ltd is a private limited company registered at Companies House under Company Number 9927787 Our address is ELR GP Fed, The Glenfield Surgery, 111 Station Road, Leicester […]

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Give us your ideas to help the NHS and support your Practice

Challenge is nothing new to the NHS. It’s faced and met challenges throughout its entire history. But we all know the NHS currently faces unprecedented challenges. Rising costs of treatment and drugs. Rising numbers of patients, particularly older patients with complex medical needs. Rising expectations of care. And all of this taking place against the […]

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ELR Shining Stars

The ELR Shining Stars programme is an initiative by ELR GP Fed to shine a light on the great work and commitment being delivered in our member practices. There are hundreds of people who work in and with each of our practices and, every day, they spend their time caring for patients and supporting their […]

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First Board Directors for ELR GP Fed announced

The successful candidates are as follows: Melton Gareth Chidlow Rutland Ryszard Geraint Bietzk Harborough Anuj Chahal Blaby and Lutterworth Nainesh Chotai Simon Vincent There were no applications to be Board Directors from Oadby and Wigston.  One of the first tasks of the new Board will be to agree arrangements whereby the interests of these localities […]

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Update on Board appointment process

Please note:  If your practice has not yet completed the two steps below, can you please do so now: returned your signed Shareholders Agreement; sent details of the e-mail address which your practice will use to take part in the voting process to [email protected]   Many thanks   The ELR GP Fed Team

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Update to Board Appointments Process

We’ve been delighted with the response to our invitation to be Board Directors for the ELR GP Fed. Some people have said they would like a little more time to consider whether to apply, so we have decided to be helpful and give as many people as possible to make an application by extending the […]

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Search launched for Chief Operating Officer

ELR GP Fed is fully operational on 1st April 2016. It is an entity with 32 general practice members, representing over 322,000 patients. This is an exciting opportunity for a dynamic and collaborative Chief Operating Officer to lead both the development of the company and the delivery of its operational business. Working closely with the […]

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Draft Shareholders Agreement available

We are pleased to be able to share a DRAFT copy with you all in preparation for the Shareholders discussion evening which will be held on THURSDAY 25th FEBRUARY, 7.00pm at Two Steeples Medical Practice. You can download the documents from this page

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Draft Shareholders Agreement

Thank you to all practices who have returned their completed Shareholder Nomination forms. Over the past couple of months our legal experts, Browne Jacobson and more recently our Accountants, Ballards have been working with us to prepare the Fed’s Shareholders Agreement. We are pleased to be able to share a DRAFT copy with you all […]

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Invitations sought for Board Directors

Invitations are being sought for interested individuals to apply to be Board Directors for the ELR GP Fed. Making an Application and the Appointment Process Applications can be made online by using the link below or by downloading the attached Job Description and Application Form and returning it to: [email protected] Closing date: midnight 26th February […]

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Support for over 90 languages

As part of our commitment to diversity and reaching out to Seldom Heard groups, we are proud to be able to offer instant language support for over 90 languages. By selecting from the Google Translate button at the bottom of any web page, our entire website is instantly translated.  This includes menu items and titles. […]

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Fed gets the green light from ELR CCG

The approval of the Fed Business Case is a huge step forward to the creation of the ELR GP Fed. Backed by 100 per cent of surgeries across East Leicestershire and Rutland, plans will now be developed for a radical new vehicle for transforming the primary care delivered to over 322,000 patients. The agreed Mission […]

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Equality and Diversity

Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 states that a public authority must have due regard to the need to: a) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation, b) advance ‘Equality of Opportunity’, and c) foster good relations. It unifies and extends previous disparate equality legislation. Whilst the ELR GP Fed is not a public authority we […]

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Getting involved with us

We use a range of tried and tested tools and techniques, including: Face to face engagement through meetings and events in a wide variety of locations across our area; Printed and online surveys including easy read versions; Direct marketing and e-marketing our stakeholder database; Face to face ‘outreach’ conversations in various locations across ELR; Material […]

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Hearing voices

We will strive to hear as many voices as possible throughout our communications and engagement. Of course, that will mean working with a range of familiar organisations and groups representing patients, carers and stakeholders, including: Our Clinical Commissioning Group; Healthwatch Rutland and Healthwatch Leicestershire; Our local voluntary and Third Sector partners; Our Practices’ Patient Participation […]

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Our communications and engagement principles

The hallmarks of the approach we will adopt in all of our engagement, communication and marketing are to be: Open and welcoming; Honest and trustworthy; Accessible and understandable; and Responsive and approachable. As the NHS Constitution states: “The NHS belongs to the people. It is there to improve our health and wellbeing, supporting us to […]

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